| When Castro Came Down From The Hills Album: Somewhere East of Eden | $0.99 |
| $0.99 |
| Somewhere East Of Eden Album: Somewhere East of Eden | $0.99 |
| $0.99 |
| Love So Tough Album: Loves So Tough | $0.99 |
| $0.99 |
| Another Thin Line Album: We're Not Dead Yet | $0.99 |
| $0.99 |
| Pumping Iron Album: We're Not Dead Yet | $0.99 |
| $0.99 |
| Silence of Your Arms Album: End of the Century | $0.99 |
| $0.99 |
Sub-Total: |
$5.94 |
Taxes: |
$0.77 |
Grand Total: |
$6.71 |