| Down the Road a Piece Album: Down The Road Apiece - Live | $0.99 |
| $0.99 |
| Nothing Without You Album: A Good Life | $0.99 |
| $0.99 |
| Never Be Enough Time Album: American Babylon | $0.99 |
| $0.99 |
| The Other Shoe Album: A Good Life | $0.99 |
| $0.99 |
| Lake Ponchartrain Album: A Good Life | $0.99 |
| $0.99 |
| Homestead Album: American Babylon | $0.99 |
| $0.99 |
| Is She the One Album: A Good Life | $0.99 |
| $0.99 |
Sub-Total: |
$6.93 |
Taxes: |
$0.90 |
Grand Total: |
$7.83 |